Generally, the catalog is divided in two main sections – Postal Stationery and Picture Postcards, as each of them might attract different groups of audience – collectors, researchers, etc. Further, into the categories, we separate the states of origin which is marked on items ID# too.
The sub-categories in the stationery section are mostly established on the basis of Indicia and then we follow emblematic series that been released during a certain period of time. As for the postcard sub-categories, we emphasize on the Publishers within the countries and then follow the decades or years of release.
Furthermore, for the Topographical postcards, we’ve created Place pages, containing all related items, a link to which you can find in the description of the item’s page.
On the items’ pages in some categories, we specify a Valuation price for item in mint condition. For this, we use our formula, reflecting things like – decade of release, print run (if available), the subject of the illustration as well as some economic trends.
There also is “Mark as Collected” button on the item page. By clicking on it, you mark that you own this product in your collection. The button will remain with changed color. For now, the site can’t show a list with items you’ve added to the collection but every time you open the item page you’ll see that you have it. By clicking again on the same button, you can remove the product from your collection.
In order to see the catalog content, you have to create an account in the website. Please, spend a minute to do it. We have very light registration form. The main categories will be accessible only to logged in visitors.
During the next stage of developing the site, we plan to apply paid access to the categories so that we can continue building the catalog.
How can I help?
You can help us mainly by subscribing the catalog.
Please, choose one of the plans we provide in the support section.
You can also help developing the catalog by providing a good scans of items that we intend to present here.
The images should be .jpg format, about 800px on the long side, preferably not exceeding 100KB.
All provided images remain property of the owner of this catalog.